More than just vitamins and supplements, we carry a wide array of herbs, teas, and spices. We carry probiotics for your tummy, soaps and lotions for your skin, toothpaste and lip balm for your mouth.
We have skin brushes, nail brushes and soap sacks, Neti pots, salt for the neti pots and nasal sprays for the cold/flu/and allergy season.
We have teas, teaware, and chai. We carry a wide selection of herbs and spices in bulk, from 1 ounce on up. Our honey is locally sourced in 1 lb jars and 8 oz honey bears.
The back corner houses our book shelf. There are cookbooks to help you plan healthy meals, books on herbs, woman’s health, children’s health , tea and mushrooms.
Monday – Wednesday: 8am to 5pm ( Clinic & Supplement Shop )
Friday: 10am to 5pm ( Supplement Shop Only )
Clinic closes for lunch from 12pm to 1pm every day ( Supplement Shop Remains Open ).
All Nutritional supplements are payable upon receipt. Please call 24 hours in advance for refill.
Phone: (360) 373-0565 - Email: